by Paul Douglas | Nov 17, 2021 | Uncategorized
Climate news that has caught our attention. Wall Street Journal GraphicSource: American Society of Civil Engineers America’s Infrastructure Struggles With The New Weather Forecast. It’s naturally-occurring extreme weather events amplified, juiced, by a warmer/wetter...
by Paul Douglas | Jul 28, 2021 | Climate Notes, Uncategorized
Climate news that has caught our attention. Researchers Identify Battery Alternative to Slow Climate Change. has an interesting story – here’s an excerpt: “…The salt in most traditional batteries are lithium-ions. Takeuchi said the trouble starts...
by SiteAdmin | Jan 11, 2021 | Podcast
Academic research suggests that a warmer climate may contribute to stronger hurricanes. How should vulnerable businesses assess future tropical risk? Climatrends_Podcast_-_Episode_3 In this Episode Introduction to Dr. Kerry Emanuel,...
by SiteAdmin | Jan 11, 2021 | Podcast
Climate change comes with a plethora of physical risks for businesses. How are companies gauging heat, rainfall, fire risk, and sea-level rise into their strategic plans? Climatrends_Podcast_-_Episode_2 In this Episode Introduction...
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