We’re happy to announce that Climatrends is an accredited solutions provider with CDP. CDP is a non-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states, and regions to manage their environmental impacts. They focus organizations on taking urgent action to build a sustainable economy by measuring and understanding their environmental impacts. Being CDP accredited will continue to help us achieve our goal of building more climate-aware organizations. A partnership with CDP grants us access to CDP’s insights and extensive network to accelerate companies’ journey towards environmental leadership. Learn more about CDP’s focus on climate change.
“CDP is excited to announce its partnership with climate change consultancy Climatrends. We look forward to leveraging Climatrends’s expertise in climate scenario analysis to further organizations’ understanding of their physical and transition risks of climate change, and develop science-aligned climate strategies.” -Paul Robins, CDP Head of Partnerships.
Climatrends conducts climate scenario analyses, analyzing climate risks and opportunities for businesses to assist with climate strategy assessment/development and Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reporting. Climatrends is a collaboration of sustainability, meteorology, business & climate science experts, leveraging innovative approaches to better understand, analyze and communicate future physical and transitional climate risks and opportunities through the development of climate scenarios. Climatrends focuses on setting more accurate expectations of physical and transitional risks for businesses in all industries and leaving behind a world with more stable, resilient, and adaptable organizations and communities.
Climatrends is a collaboration of sustainability, meteorology, business & climate science experts, leveraging innovative approaches to better understand, analyze, and communicate future physical and transitional climate risks and opportunities for businesses and communities. We work collaboratively with clients to pursue transformative relationships, as opposed to transactional relationships. We bring a spirit of inquiry, learning, and humility to the work of building our business’ capacity for excellence in our field. Our work is aspirational, yet we remain grounded in rigorous and practical business principles.
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